Thursday, April 7, 2011


We spent the week traveling, so no updated weigh-in information last week.  Today, however, I posted another 10 pound loss.  I am really excited about this program.
I actually got a compliment from a stranger this week.
Bob and I were having lunch with a friend.  As we got up to leave, I put on my new blue leather jacket that was purchased as my reward after losing 100 pounds.  The gentleman sitting in the booth behind us remarked, "I have never seen a blue leather coat before - it's really nice!". 
I replied, "Thank you, I got it as a reward."
He said, "Well, I don't know what you were being rewarded for, but it really looks nice.".
I realize that he was commenting on my coat, not me.  But, it made me feel good, just the same. 
We drove to Elko, picked up Jack, and traveled from there to CA so he could attend an open house at Berkeley.  We spent three days at Tahoe on the way there, and one day on the way back.  It was the first time Jack had seen me since Christmas.  His comment was, "You can really see the difference - not only in the way you look, but in your attitude, as well.".
Last week as we walked in Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, I realized that I still have a long way to go.  Sometimes I get depressed when I see myself in a mirror - or when I can't walk as far or as fast as I would like to.  That just emphasizes the need to continue on the course.  It also reminds me that I have to get some exercise - not heavy workouts, but steady easy motion.
"There are many things that can get you down, but there is only 1 thing that can keep you down, YOU. Life may not be great every second of the day, but there are seconds in the day that make life great. Focus on those seconds and they will become minutes, and those good minutes become hours... and remember we can train our brain to override the negative with the positive." - Julie Brady
I have a vision.  I can actually see myself as a thin, healthy person.  And, the only person who can keep me from becoming that person now is -- ME. 
I had set another mini goal a few weeks ago - an additional 30 pounds by the time we go to Las Vegas.  I have 2 weeks to meet that goal, and only have another 2 pounds to go.  I might have to set another goal for next week...
"Your vision of where or what you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it's difficult to score." - Paul Arden


  1. You are going to make it. I have never known someone so determined to stay the course.

  2. You can do anything to set your mind to....Your strong and focused "look out world here she comes"!!!!!
